Estate Planning Basics
Building an estate plan with a client is a rewarding but oftentimes complicated practice.
From your first meeting with the client until the plan is completed, your skill set must be at its sharpest to ensure your client’s financial and personal interests are carried out without complication.
This CLE is designed for attorneys who are new to estate planning, and our experienced speakers will guide you through the entire estate planning process, passing on valuable tips along the way.
Date: Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront
1401 SW Naito Parkway
Portland, Oregon 97201
Time: 8:45 am–12:00 pm
First registrant: $195
Added associate/paralegal: $145
Special: Young lawyers, with under four years acceptance to the Bar, may use coupon code YL25 to receive a $25 discount when checking out.
- Attorneys who are new to estate planning
Essentials of Attorney/Client Relations (30 minutes)
- Client Interview
- What Does the Client Need? (No Plan vs. Wills and Trusts)
- Necessary Documents
- Ensuring Client’s Wishes Are Executed
- Client Involvement
Understanding Wills and Trusts (60 minutes)
- Non-Tax Reasons for Having an Estate Plan
- Drafting (Fiduciaries, Forms and Clauses)
- Living Trusts (Revocable vs. Irrevocable)
- Joint Ownership
- Funding a Trust
- Qualified Personal Residence Trusts
- Asset-Protection Trusts
- Irrevocable Trusts and Life Insurance
Basics of Probate (15 minutes)
- What’s Included (Non-Probate Transfers, Holding Title, Life Insurance, Employee Benefits, Annuities and Business Assets)
- Advantages of Living Trusts
- Creditor’s Claims
Potential Tax Pitfalls (30 minutes)
- Estate and Gift Taxes
- Marital Deduction Considerations
- Transfer Taxes (*Generation-Skipping)
Break (15 minutes)
Preparations for Incapacity (30 minutes)
- Financial/Medical Powers of Attorney
- Advance Health Care Directives
- Asset Protection/Protecting Client’s Children
Charitable Giving Considerations (15 minutes)
- Wealth Transfer Charitable Tax Deduction
- Lead and Remainder Trusts/Gift Annuities