Elder Law and Estate Planning

While estate planning lays the foundation for a client’s desires for their family and assets after death, elder law attorneys focus on preserving assets and obtaining medical care when a client becomes elderly or incapacitated. Planning for long-term care or qualifying for Medicaid can be a daunting task especially when a client has assets in their name. We can advise how to protect such assets from spend down and how to navigate Oregon’s qualification criteria for Medicaid. We are able to complete and submit a Medicaid application, handle any Medicaid hearings or appeals, and ensure our clients continue to qualify for Medicaid.
If an elderly client becomes incapacitated, planning is required to protect their assets and obtain needed medical care. Does the client require a conservatorship or a special needs trust? How are clients going to pay for medical care? Do clients have proper support networks in place to provide competent care? These are the types of questions we address for our elder law clients.
An elder law attorney also provides advice on senior rights, elder abuse and other issues that impact the elder community. Seniors can be targets for crime and discrimination. We advise and combat such issues. States such as Oregon now recognize the widespread and growing problem of elder abuse. We assist our senior clients in recognizing abuse and crime, and ensuring their rights are protected.
Have Elder Law and Estate Planning Questions? Contact Us